If you'd like to reserve a kid from the pairings on the breeding page, please contact us! We have a couple does bred for Fall 2024. We will soon be breeding for kidding in January-May 2025.

The Kids page is updated with the 2024 kids.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for Sales Policy and Pricing Details.

Last Updated 9/14/24

Goats For Sale

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Upcoming Goats For Sale:

To be placed on our no-obligation contact list for Fall 2024/Early 2025 kidding: Contact us with what you're looking for! People on the list will get first dibs!

We are currently sold out of does (9/2024).

We do have a couple percentage bucks available for meat or breeding.

2024 Kids that will likely be available.

Contact us to reserve them before weaning! More details on parentage on the kids page.

50% Percentage Buckling
Born 3/7/24
Percy x Iris

I've been really impressed with Lyman (and his twin, also). They both have shown really good parasite/coccidia resistance! They are very growthy, too! Lyman is super sweet, mellow and friendly! Since he's half Nubian, he could produce some nice hybrid daughters with meaty kids and nice milk/udders! I would say they are both ready to work, if you're looking to get your does bred.



Click pictures to enlarge

50% Percentage Buckling
Born 3/7/24
Percy x Iris

I've been really impressed with Harvey (and his twin, also). They both have shown really good parasite/coccidia resistance! They are very growthy, too! Harvey isn't quite as friendly as Lyman, but is still sweet and mellow! Since he's half Nubian, he could produce some nice hybrid daughters with meaty kids and nice milk/udders! I would say they are both ready to work, if you're looking to get your does bred.



Click pictures to enlarge

Fullblood Buck - DNA tested
Born 2/7/21
Buffalo has been an amazing buck for us, producing many BEAUTIFUL kids for us! We have used him for 4 breeding seasons and he rarely disappoints! We're running out of does to breed to him, so he is available to find some new lady-friends in another herd.

He is a sweet boy and handled regularly. He maintains body condition easily (without being pushed on much grain--currently on about 2# a day (9/2024) and has been VERY hardy. He is 2x2 clean teated (and has cleaned up teats when bred to DQ-teated does). His kids have been very thick and meaty! We've got daughters and granddaughters kept back for our own herd/breeding program (and we've got more does bred to him).

He is carrying some very popular genetics behind him being out of a PMF3 TOUCH THE MAGIC ENNOBLED daughter and by a BA CSF SMOKIN HOT ORANGATANG ENNOBLED son. He's thrown: reds, blacks, traditionals (black, red and spotted heads), black paints, red dapple paints, red dapples, and black dapples for us (I can also provide a Google sheets chart on all his offspring from over the last 4 seasons (birth weights, colors, etc). Go to the offspring section on his page to see some pictures of his kids.

Fullblood Doe - #10957863
Born 3/9/22
Teats: 1x1 + 1NF
Elvis x Queenie

Myrtle is a darn good doe. She kidded without issue in November '23 as a first timer. She had beautiful buck/doe twins. Unfortunately, we lost the doeling early on, but Myrtle has done a fantastic job raising her buckling. She has a very good udder and milk production. She is friendly and is going to be a massive doe like her dam. She's not one that I want to sell, but I have to cut numbers. She weaned her buckling and is putting the weight back on nicely. She's almost ready to breed back. She could be sold as exposed, if you'd like Fall kids. You can choose the buck (any 3 of our breeding bucks are unrelated, so take your pick! Percy, Buffalo or Ranger)


Frosted Pine's Myrtle

Fullblood Doeling
Born 5/20/23
Teats: 2x2
Percy x Ocala

This girls is sweet and spunky! I really like her and probably should NOT be selling her. She should grow up to be a reeeeeally nice doe and great mama. She is long and muscular, and is going to be BIG, like her parents! She's been really hardy, too.

Simone is almost ready to be bred. Want Fall kids? She could be bred to Buffalo or Ranger for an additional fee.

With FB registration application: $800

Please excuse the mud. It was a VERY wet December and they insisted on laying outside, despite having a cozy shelter.

Frosted Pine's Simone

Fullblood Doeling
Born 2/3/24
Teats: 2x2 + 1 high nub
Buffalo x Lindsay

Isla is one of our most friendly doelings. She comes from some great maternal genetics!

She can be picked up as early as 3/30-4/13

With FB registration application: $600


People have asked how much we sell kids for. There are a lot of factors, such as: who the parents are/genetics, registration percentage (Percentage, Purebred, Fullblood), teat structure/show correctness, color, sex, phenotype (how they LOOK), etc. Here are some VERY approximate prices for different categories of potential kids. Please check out our Breeding and Kids pages for actual pairings and kids. Please contact us to reserve your kid!

Bottle Kids (limited availability):
Bottle bucklings without papers start at $100
Bottle bucklings with papers start at $200
Bottle doelings start at $200
Kids at Weaning:
Wethers, percentage and commercial bucks start at $250
Percentage doelings start at $300
Purebred doelings start at $400
Fullblood doelings start at $500
Fullblood bucklings are likely to be $500-$1000+


  • Goats are offered on a first come, first-money-down basis. Unfortunately, due to "buyers" backing out and compromising sales, we can no longer hold goats without a deposit. Our strong preference for deposits is through Facebook Pay. PayPal, is also acceptable if you add 3% of deposit amount to cover fees if you choose not to use the friends/family option.

  • A deposit of 25% of the purchase price will hold an adult goat or a weaning-age kid for 2 weeks (unless otherwise arranged). Kids who have not yet been weaned will be held with a 25% deposit until 10 weeks old (unless otherwise arranged).

  • For not-weaned goat kids: If goat is not picked up by 10 weeks (unless otherwise arranged), the deposit will be lost and the animal will be placed up for sale again.

  • For weaned goat kids or older animals: If goat is not picked up 2 weeks after deposit is received (unless otherwise arranged), the deposit will be lost and the animal will be placed up for sale again.

  • Deposits will be refunded only if the animal dies or becomes ill before the date of purchase.

  • We reserve the right to refuse sale or service to anyone we feel would not be a good match for our animals.

  • We reserve the right to retain any kid for our own use.

  • Health certificates and shipping available at buyer's expense.

    Buyer is responsible for transportation of the animal and all transportation costs. While we do our very best to make sure to sell healthy animals, things can slip our notice, so as the buyer it is YOUR responsibility to check your goats over very carefully before they leave the premises, as we cannot be responsible if the animal should become ill, injured, or die after they leave the farm. All sales are final.